Let's use a publish profile on that Azure Pipeline on TFS !
So we have TFS at work and i have been planning to create a build for a vendor web app which we used the DI the vendor implemented to inject our own custom modules/apps.
i managed previously to create a customized publish profile to produce a web package that contain both the vendor DLLs and our own.
finally i did manage to use that custom publish profile on my build pipeline adding this "/p:PublishProfile=$(BuildConfiguration)" to my "Build Solution" step. i used "$(BuildConfiguration)" because i named my publish profiles same name as my build configurations.
i managed previously to create a customized publish profile to produce a web package that contain both the vendor DLLs and our own.
<!--Cutome entry to include custom DLLs-->
<target name="CollectHelpers">
<_customfiles include="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\bin\Custom*.dll">
<filesforpackagingfromproject include="%(_CustomFiles.Identity)">
<target name="CollectCustomizations">
<_customfiles include="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\bin\*Custom*.dll">
<filesforpackagingfromproject include="%(_CustomFiles.Identity)">
<!--End of Custom entry-->
finally i did manage to use that custom publish profile on my build pipeline adding this "/p:PublishProfile=$(BuildConfiguration)" to my "Build Solution" step. i used "$(BuildConfiguration)" because i named my publish profiles same name as my build configurations.