add extra files on deploy ASP Core web app using publish profile
So i have been struggling with this for a while now.
i used to be able to add file to my ASP .NET projects through publish profiles using the following customization
that's mentioned here.
however as i am developing my own first mobile-first ERP WorkNxt which i am using .NET Core for this wasn't working at all.
i searched high and low for any information that might mention any thing when it come to ASP Core web application but couldn't find any.
until i found this on Microsoft, and this did work!
although it's not clear on the document above but you have to insert something like
just before </project> tag and you are done, now my web app deploy with the extra DLLs
i used to be able to add file to my ASP .NET projects through publish profiles using the following customization
<!--Cutome entry to include custom DLLs-->
<target name="CollectHelpers">
<_customfiles include="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\bin\Custom*.dll">
<filesforpackagingfromproject include="%(_CustomFiles.Identity)">
<target name="CollectCustomizations">
<_customfiles include="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\bin\*Custom*.dll">
<filesforpackagingfromproject include="%(_CustomFiles.Identity)">
<!--End of Custom entry-->
that's mentioned here.
however as i am developing my own first mobile-first ERP WorkNxt which i am using .NET Core for this wasn't working at all.
i searched high and low for any information that might mention any thing when it come to ASP Core web application but couldn't find any.
until i found this on Microsoft, and this did work!
although it's not clear on the document above but you have to insert something like
<_CustomFiles Include="$(OutDir)*Module*.dll" />
<DotnetPublishFiles Include="@(_CustomFiles)">
just before </project> tag and you are done, now my web app deploy with the extra DLLs